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Indoor Air Quality
Did you know that most people are indoors around 90% of the day? According to the EPA, indoor air pollution is placed as one of the top 5 environmental hazards to society today. This is because we seal our homes so they are insulated and cost-effective. While this does preserve energy, it prevents harmful allergens, germs, and other dangerous agents from leaving your home. With the products offered from Nature's Home, we help you diminish or destroy harmful pollutants in your home which have a history of causing health problems.
Request your free evaluation at your next scheduled preventative maintenance
Indoor air quality is a growing concern in Central Florida, and it is important to make sure to have trained experts in charge of that air quality. In both home and office, maximized health and functioning are dependent on making sure the air is breathable, comfortable, and minimally contaminated.
Indoor air and dust samples taken from 120 homes in New England all tested positive for endocrine disrupting compounds.
Source: Silent Spring Institute